The Sunshine Arrangement Includes: 3 Yellow Roses, White, Yellow And Lavender Daises Along with Accent Flower And Greenery.
A Fun Arrangement for Any Occasion!
A beautiful Frontal Arrangement, Featuring Pink And Yellow Roses, Pink And Yellow Gerbera Daisies, White Daisies And A Yellow Bow.
Call for Color Substitutions.
For the best of birthdays, send something worth being excited for! Our Premium Designer’s Choice Birthday arrangement is the perfect gift for anyone. When you want to give something that’s sure to impress, you can’t go wrong with these! This birthday bouquet will have them feeling extra thankful.
Trying to find a birthday gift for the person who has everything? FLOWER MAN can help! Not only do we have a great selection of birthday flowers available, but you can also order birthday gift baskets, balloons, and other gifts. When you shop with FLOWER MAN, you choose what you want to give, and we take care of the rest! Let us surprise your friend or loved one with a birthday surprise on their special day! Shop online, come in or give us a call! Available for delivery in Olathe and the surrounding areas. Need to send your gift even further? We can do that too!